
Anticipating Demon-Child Mode

Last night Kirk and I rolled into the town where my parents live in Kentucky. Slid into the driveway at around 11:30. You know the drill. The kids had slept since around 8:00 in the car, so when we got to Grammy and Poohpa's, they had gotten their second wind. So, we stayed up until about 12:30, visiting and watching my dad demonstrate his new martial art moves he learned (that's a whole other conversation....darn, I should have taken pictures....maybe I can get him to do it again!). After that, everyone headed to bed. Most everyone went to sleep. Notice I said "most." Dad and I were in our respective rooms reading, everyone else was snoozing...except for TATE! He stayed up until at least 1:15 or 1:30 just a jabberin'. Oh my goodness. I finally shut the light off and went to sleep, with him still a yakking. Who knows? He might of stayed up all night, because....

This morning Tate was up around 6:00. At least that is when I heard him. He was so perky and chipper and rarin' to go. What in the world?!!?

He's going to crash later and make my life miserable. You know it's going to happen. I can feel it. We are going to have a major meltdown.

My dad and Kirk are working on some handy-man projects around the house today, so Mom and I had already decided to take the kids to do something today to get them out of the guys' hair (well, my dad doesn't have much, but you know what I mean! LOL!). So, while we are out bowling and slurping up milkshakes, Tate is going to become a demon-child. There might actually be head-spinning action and foaming at the mouth...I can feel it coming on.

Fantastic. Gotta love a kid who thinks he needs zero sleep but whose mama begs to differ!