I have started this blog 3 different times.
Each time, I was trying to put a political spin on things, and then I just gave up. I have decided that I don't know enough about what I'm talking about so, then, I just end up looking dumb and extremely skeptical. Basically...I voted. I know enough to know what I believe in and I know which candidate (although he is FAR from my first choice) will most closely achieve that for our country. At least that is what I'm choosing to believe. Do I think the world is going to self-destruct if the "other" guy gets it? No. Because I believe in a God that is bigger than Obama and McCain and all their grand plans for this country. I believe in a God that is bigger than campaign finances, television air-time, and Joe-the-Plumber. It's all good...because my God is good. I would just like things to go my way!! :)
Now enough of all that....back to the important things going on around these-here-parts...
I had to get a shot in my rear-end yesterday. Oh yes. I have had this nasty, nasty infection thing going on. I think it started as allergies, but then quickly moved into a sinus thing. It is gross and I have felt like crud for a week. I went to the doctor yesterday and walked out with an armful of meds and a sore booty. When that nurse walked in with the shot, I started pulling up my sleeve. She said, "Oh, no...bend over." The only thing I knew to do was laugh.
The hottest thing around our house right now is Zoo Tycoon.Have you ever played that game? Oh my gosh. So fun. Since I got this new computer, we cleaned off the hard drive of my old one and gave it to Keaton to play games on. He had fallen in love with Zoo Tycoon over at one of our friend's houses and has asked relentlessly for it. So, when he got the computer, we decided to let him buy the game. I didn't really think anything about it....until yesterday. I was home sick from work (and with a sore rear-end that was preventing any kind of household chores *wink*) and had checked FaceBook and all my blogs a gazillion times. So, I popped in his new game...just for something to do. TOTALLY HOOKED! It is this nifty little treat of designing the layout of your personalized zoo--buying exhibit items like fencing, trees, terrain, etc; animals; customer items like drink machines and restrooms; and hiring workers. If that wasn't enough, you are also required to "keep your animals happy." Oh My Stars.....ridiculously fun!! Kirk and I spent most of the night building a zoo together, and I can hardly wait till he gets home so that we can check on our animals. I did let one of my rhinoceroses escape by accident...not so good.
So....here is the summary...
- Go Vote! But, know God is bigger than all this stuff...
- Stay well, so that you don't have to hear the nurse with the Lee Press-On Nails say, "Bend over."
- Go build a zoo....so refreshing to just have to worry about what the chimps are eating and if there is too much poop in the zebra cage...
I have no comment...well actually I did vote yesterday. As for the other, are you on the meds that make you looney? :) i'm glad you and Kirk found something fun you can enjoy doing together!:)
You're so funny, Amber. I got a shot in my rear one time when we lived in Arkadelphia...and for a year or two, I had an indentation in the fleshy area where it was administered. It was weird and I'm sorry b/c I know that's TMI!
I voted, too, at 6:30 this morning. Now, just past the announcement, and some disappointment, I was proud to hear John McCain's speech of concession. Indeed, now we are past the gruelling campaign and back to making our nation better. Indeed, the scriptures call on us to pray for our leaders, and now with Obama our president elect, for him and a tough job ahead, regardless of who fills it.
Sorry about the shot - I do hope you will get over the "crud" as we approach Thanksgiving time.
Sunday, Mom and I will go to Lexington for two nights and the state DoM fellowship meal, then we leave Tuesday morning for a two-day, 900 mile trip to Northborough MA. We are looking forward to it. We plan to return two weeks from tomorrow. We'll be in touch.
Are we going to play the game when we come. I mean, it will be like a zoo, anyway.
Love you - get better.
I laughed out loud when I read your title of this post. Sorry your bum is hurting!!! That game sounds like fun, I'll have to check into that.
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