I'm a procrastinator by far when it comes to my Christmas shopping. Every year I have amazing intentions of starting early, crossing off every name on my list by Thanksgiving, smirking at all the nutty people who are having to shop through the madness of after T-giving sales, and having all my gifts wrapped, tagged, and sitting pretty under the tree before the calendar is flipped to December.
Every year....same thing. DOESN'T HAPPEN!
Thanksgiving roles around and I stare at my list realizing that nothing has been crossed off the list and I have a mondo list of gifts to not only buy, but find....
I ventured out Black Friday and actually shocked myself at my lack of impulse shopping and frustration. I was amazingly at peace about the whole thing and not stressed at all.
I think this complete turn-around in Christmas shopping attitude is coming from my new perspective on things. That stuff doesn't matter.
I would like to say that I have always been a minimalist. That I've always strived for the simple way of living. That stuff has never mattered to me. Sadly, it's just not true.
I can't really pinpoint what it is that has helped me move across the line from "keeping up" to "keeping it simple," but I'm okay with it. I give a lot of credit to our church and my good friends. Appearances, pretense, and impressions have been miraculously replaced with being genuine and authentic. It has been an amazing change for me, and I've noticed my outlook shifting. (Thank you -- you know who you are! You make me smile! *grin*)
All that being said....back to Christmas shopping. I'm really going to try to scale down and give gifts that matter this year. Ones that are handcrafted or ones that are really useful and personal. Well thought out gifts, not just ones found on a sale rack.
But what about my kids? Kirk and I have tried to do the three gift thing (taken from the example of Jesus' gifts from the wisemen) and that works well for us. The kids get 1 large gift and then a couple of other gifts that are a little more useful (like PJs or a family game). Then they receive little gifts in their stockings.
I was just thinking the other day about our system and how it works for us, but that there really isn't any rhyme or reason to how we choose their presents from their lists. It really ends up being about what Kirk and I want them to have (or don't want them to have all over the living room *wink*). Since then, I've been thinking about it more and more. Not that everything has to have a formula, but I really was wanting to nail down some guidelines, just in the interest of sparing ourselves the "it's not fair" and "his is better than mine" rigmarole.
And then I came across a good friend's solution. I LOVE IT SO MUCH! You can read her full post here (and you should!) but the short version is that she and her husband follow this poem.
"Something they want, something they need, something to play with, and something to read."
She mentions that the kids have to think really hard about the things in the "need" and "want" categories. WOW! I was so excited after reading it that I ran in to tell Kirk about it, and he thinks that it's "cool." (That is man-talk for "sounds good to me").
I'm really thinking that we may try it out this year. Thanks, Meredith, for the great idea! Are you tired of my copying you yet?!?!
Now I'm excited to sit the kids down and rehash their Santa lists.....then it is off to shop! I'm beginning to get in the Christmas spirit!!!
Gift Giving
The Bryant Family Thanksgiving
Gotta give props to Mich for the lovely table decor.....
Isn't our table pretty? And that turkey? SOOOOO GOOD! (Stephanie, tell Eric that I stuffed an orange in it, just like he said!!!)
These are my mama's mashed potatoes that are straight from Heaven. Although this year, my sister and I didn't get into a cat fight over them....wonder what's wrong. Must of been too tired from actually cooking something for once....
I ate every last stinkin' bit of this.....so yummy!
Me and Kirk
Tickle Fest....my bro-in-law, Kevin, and Tate
Crazy boys....Sawyer, Keaton, Tate, and my nephew, Jordan
Me and my sister, Michele (a.k.a. Martha)
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Labels: Hangin' With the Family
Now I Just Have To Put It Away....Might Pose a Small Spacial Problem
The Low-Down
Here's the low-down...
Me and My Friends
Let me introduce you to 6 of my very best Friends.
There they are: Rachel, Ross, Joey, Chandler, Monica, and Phoebe.
There is not much that makes me laugh like Friends. I started watching it when it first came out way back in the day and watched it religiously (it was tough when Survivor started, though, and I had to choose which channel to watch Thursdays at 7:00....hard decision) right through its 10th season.
I was one of the ones that rooted for Ross and Rachel through the entire show and cried when they had their baby and ended up together (FINALLY!) in the last episode. I know every word of "Smelly Cat" and think the episode with the Holiday Armadillo is simply hysterical! I was giddy when Monica proposed to Chandler and laughed 'till my stomach hurt when Ross had to climb down Joey on the fire escape. I know what it means to "be somebody's lobster" and I started drinking coffee in college because that is what they did. I always thought it would be cool to paint my living room purple (key word "thought") and had my hair cut in "the Rachel" back in 1996.
My sweet darling husband bought all 10 seasons for me on DVD awhile back, and I love to curl up and hang out with my Friends. They just make me so darn happy!! Today I was in Central Perk heaven because I was able to watch 2 full complete seasons with zero interruption.....talk about a great day!
I love my Friends so much......
**Here's a question for you......
Although it bumfuzzles me that not everyone is as head-over-heels in love with Friends as I am, I am curious as to what the rest of you love to watch. Is there a series on TV that is your all-time favorite show? Tell me, tell me....I wanna know!! And if it is Friends....then you will know what I mean when I say, "U-Nagi!"
One of My Favorite Things
No cute story. No funny anecdote. No gripey complaint. Not even a good random here's-what-we're-up-to post. Nothing. Nada. Zip.
Shout Out To All the Other Messy Mamas Out There
If you get squeamish about unkempt houses....read no further.
This post is dedicated to the messiness of my house. The thought behind this psychotic airing of dirty laundry *wink* is that somehow it will inspire me to do something about it.....we'll see if that works out for me.
Let me start by saying that the house isn't nasty, filthy, disgusting, or gross. It is just....let's see....in disarray. The only thing that is really gross is my kitchen floor. I'd advise wearing shoes if you come over in the next few days. There has been a mass tromping-through of muddy hunting boots, soggy tennis shoes, and concretey work boots. All this shoe dirt is mixed with crumbs that find their way to the floor (because my children REFUSE to eat over their plates), little tiny pieces of paper leftover from a snowflake cutting session (because Tate missed a few dozen when he was on sweep-patrol), and a few sticky spots of dried kool-aide and milk (because my kids think that they're big, but they are really not....especially when "big" involves a completely full pitcher). The broom has found its way over the floor a few times this week, but somehow the dirt and sticky spots continue to multiply -- leaving me with nothing but a gross floor. Remember....wear shoes.....it's for your own health!
Now that the grossness has been addressed, let me move on to the clutter. I HATE CLUTTER...but, I am overrun with it right now. There is a pile of papers that have been unloaded from school folders on the edge of the table. Really need to sort through those. There is a stack of magazines and newsletters that need to be sorted....let alone read.....all piled on my bar. Next to the magazines are a pile of tools that are left from a little fix-it project of Kirk's....he really needs to take those to his shop. On the gross floor are two suitcases that have yet to be unpacked from our trip this past weekend....not planning on moving those, since I just have to repack them in 2 days. I've got basketball forms, doctors' bills, and school reminders about the food drive all littering my cabinet.
My Nola Mae stuff is piled in a corner.....got to find a place for all of that. Hmmmmm....wonder if Kirk will build me a cabinet?!?! A girl can dream! The boys' baseball bags are piled in another corner fresh in from a trip out to the batting cage. There are a couple zillion coats and jackets that didn't quite make it to the hooks dotting the floor by the door. Huh....wonder what is so hard about hanging a coat on a hook?
My laundry room is overflowing with camo, our clothes from our trip, towels, and sheets. Being sick the 2 days before we left to go out-of-town did nothing for my "staying-on-top-of-the-laundry" routine. I think I could do a load of laundry every hour for the next 13 days and still not be caught up! Seriously....
The boys' rooms look like a tornado hit them. I think most of that is due to the earlier incidents of Tate not being able to find his "boochs" ("boots") and the rousing game of closet door basketball that went on earlier this evening.
So....what am I going to do about it?
I'm just waiting 'till the weekend!! The fellas will be out-and-about huntin' and such, and I am planning on cleaning in peace. I've got the big Thanksgiving hoopla coming up, so I'm going to be doing the whole scrubbin' baseboards/defuzzing ceiling fans kind of cleaning anyway....might as well save all of it for then and just have an all-out love affair with Mr. Clean weekend.
I was going to give you proof of the City-O-Clutter, but decided to spare you from the pics. Not sure the gross chocolate milk spot is really what you are wanting to take a gander at.....
Now....all you perfect Keep-My-House-Lookin'-Like-A-Magazine mamas, go ahead and shudder, click over to a different blog, and don't give my sticky floor and Mt. Everest size pile of dirty jeans and smelly socks a second thought. All you mamas just like me......hope this makes you feel better about your own little messes.....we're all in this together!! *smile*
Fall Wonders
What a Weekend...
My in-laws are internet-less. Grrrr......
What that means is that I just spent an entire weekend without my new favorite sidekick...my computer. I resorted to checking my facebook and a few blogs on Kirk's blackberry, but that just isn't the same. Besides, he kept hijacking his phone into the woods with him to hunt each day, so I didn't have 24/7 access......so frustrating.
We just got home from Missouri an hour ago, and I wasted no time in trying to catch up on all my connectivity. I've missed you all......
(Yes, I realize that I live in a sad little world where all my friends live in my computer....)
On a totally different note....our little community has experienced a lot of tragedy this weekend. Kirk and I were contacted about 3 terrible happenings; all leaving us in a crazy swirl of thankfulness for God's grace and provision and of wondering how things can get so bad for some people so fast. People's lives were spared miraculously this weekend and others' lives are hanging in the balance. You just never know....
I'm off to bed. I'm tired after a weekend of doing nothing (how is that?), but more tired after a long car ride complete with a Bug Juice catastrophe (that's a brand of kool-aide, for all you non-preschool-parents), a nasty McDonalds' experience, and an incident in the back seat that left Keaton with a black eye thanks to Sawyer. Whoever said road trips were good family bonding time were C-R-A-Z-Y!!!! They just leave the Goodrums agitated and grouchy.
I've got some cute pictures from the weekend...but I'm too sleepy to post them....I'll get them on tomorrow!
I'm Still Wiping Tears....Wanna Join Me?
I am home sick....yet again. Don't know what is up, but my immune system is having some serious issues adjusting to public school life. My kids are doing relatively well....it's just me. Go figure.
I'm about to settle in for a little snooze, but I wanted to pass this link on to you. This blog is one of my favorite ones to read. If you follow the Christian group Selah at all, then you may know the story of Todd, one of the singers. He has an incredible family, but they experienced an incredible tragedy this year when they lost their precious baby girl. His wife, Angie, records all her ups and downs in dealing with their loss and also expresses her incredible reliance on God. There are few things that I have read lately that draw me to my knees like Angie's blog. Her post from yesterday (click here) had me weeping. I'm still drying tears.
If you get a chance, check it out. It is such a beautiful image of love, grace, and what it means to walk this crazy road called life.....it is all to eventually get to this amazing place that we can only dream of right now.....an eternity with our Beloved Bridegroom.
Labels: Inspiration
Mighty Impressive
Let me just say how dern impressed I am at all my friends' culinary skills! You people know how to cook...or at least pretend that you do!!!
All the comments and recipes you left me are IMPRESSIVE! Whoa.
Thanks for all the help...I'm going to be making my menu/shopping list with my comment page in front of me!
Although, I think we all just need to pack up and come over to your houses....you guys have got some good stuff going on in your kitchens!!! :)
16 Days
16 days.
That's all I got. 16 days to learn to cook a turkey.....and clean my house.
Thanksgiving is at my house this year. What? I've never ever had a holiday at my house before. Come to think of it, I've never had ANYTHING at my house before. My house was full right after my kids were born, but I hardly call that entertaining. That is more just sleep deprivation mixed with people to wait on you hand-and-foot for a couple of days. I am not blessed with the gift of hospitality at all. God blessed me with lots of things, I know, but I am 100% sure that hospitality is not one of them. So, even though this is for MY family...this is still taking about all I got to hold it together!!
With my parents in the middle of their move, their house is off the docket for holiday hosting this year, so my sister and I are splitting up the get-togethers. She has Christmas; I got Thanksgiving.
So, I'm really excited about everyone coming, but I'm beginning to get a little nervous. Not sure why I'm nervous, since it is just my mom, dad, sister, and her family, but still a little anxious. I think it is my crazy need for perfectionism. It is never going to happen with this crew, but still. It's Thanksgiving....I want it to be just great.
So, in order for Thanksgiving to be all fine and dandy, I need to figure out this whole food situation. Here's the deal....I don't cook. At least not like that. My idea of meal planning is what one vegetable (which comes in a can) goes best with the mac-n-cheese (which comes in a box). Seriously. So, the thought of endless pots and bowls and platters is a little daunting to me.
I also have to figure out sleeping arrangements, entertainment options, and, oh no, menus for all the other meals. I think everyone is going to be here for at least 3 nights, possibly 4, so things are going to get really interesting around here really fast!
If you have have any suggestions or tips for holiday hosting or any super great recipes, please send them to me....I need all the help I can get! If you just want to send me your condolences...I'll take those, too!!
Labels: Hangin' With the Family
"I Willy Wuv You Doh"
My baby is growing up.
Labels: Being Boy Crazy
Looking For My Black Mourning Suit
Tomorrow I become a widow. Around 4:30 in the morning to be exact. I have around 7 more hours of wedded bliss and then it will be over...for about a month.
Labels: Married Life
My Favorite 2.3 Miles
I Voted, I Got Shot, and I Shoveled Some Zebra Poop
I have started this blog 3 different times.
Each time, I was trying to put a political spin on things, and then I just gave up. I have decided that I don't know enough about what I'm talking about so, then, I just end up looking dumb and extremely skeptical. Basically...I voted. I know enough to know what I believe in and I know which candidate (although he is FAR from my first choice) will most closely achieve that for our country. At least that is what I'm choosing to believe. Do I think the world is going to self-destruct if the "other" guy gets it? No. Because I believe in a God that is bigger than Obama and McCain and all their grand plans for this country. I believe in a God that is bigger than campaign finances, television air-time, and Joe-the-Plumber. It's all good...because my God is good. I would just like things to go my way!! :)
Now enough of all that....back to the important things going on around these-here-parts...
I had to get a shot in my rear-end yesterday. Oh yes. I have had this nasty, nasty infection thing going on. I think it started as allergies, but then quickly moved into a sinus thing. It is gross and I have felt like crud for a week. I went to the doctor yesterday and walked out with an armful of meds and a sore booty. When that nurse walked in with the shot, I started pulling up my sleeve. She said, "Oh, no...bend over." The only thing I knew to do was laugh.
The hottest thing around our house right now is Zoo Tycoon.Have you ever played that game? Oh my gosh. So fun. Since I got this new computer, we cleaned off the hard drive of my old one and gave it to Keaton to play games on. He had fallen in love with Zoo Tycoon over at one of our friend's houses and has asked relentlessly for it. So, when he got the computer, we decided to let him buy the game. I didn't really think anything about it....until yesterday. I was home sick from work (and with a sore rear-end that was preventing any kind of household chores *wink*) and had checked FaceBook and all my blogs a gazillion times. So, I popped in his new game...just for something to do. TOTALLY HOOKED! It is this nifty little treat of designing the layout of your personalized zoo--buying exhibit items like fencing, trees, terrain, etc; animals; customer items like drink machines and restrooms; and hiring workers. If that wasn't enough, you are also required to "keep your animals happy." Oh My Stars.....ridiculously fun!! Kirk and I spent most of the night building a zoo together, and I can hardly wait till he gets home so that we can check on our animals. I did let one of my rhinoceroses escape by accident...not so good.
So....here is the summary...
- Go Vote! But, know God is bigger than all this stuff...
- Stay well, so that you don't have to hear the nurse with the Lee Press-On Nails say, "Bend over."
- Go build a zoo....so refreshing to just have to worry about what the chimps are eating and if there is too much poop in the zebra cage...
Around the World and Back Again...
My parents are getting ready to move....again. This time, supposedly, it is for keeps. My dad is retiring in December and they are going "home." Home to them is where they both grew up and where my grandparents have always lived. So, despite my great efforts to have them move near us (i.e. HELP ME WITH THEIR ROWDY GRANDKIDS), they are moving there in just a few short months. They've already found a house and are in that whole process of signing papers, boxing up their house, and trying to sell the house they are in now.
My parents moving isn't weird for me. Moving is just what they do. It is what we have ever done. What is weird for me about their whole transition is that this really probably is the last house they will live in. That never happens with our family.... The thought that my parents are going to be "settled" -- completely foreign concept.
My dad blogged a few days back about this whole transition period for them. Then, my sister went and did the same thing. Now I guess it is my turn....
My life has been nothing but one huge transition period. As a kid, we were always moving. Always experiencing something new. In fact, in the time that I've been married to Kirk, I've experienced more stability (as far as location) than I have in my whole life. I have lived longer in my house now, than I ever lived in a house as a kid. So bizarre. I have no idea what it is like to be one of those people that never moved out of their childhood home until it was time to go to college. My family never had door posts marked with the growing heights of me and my sister. And although my parents have TONS of stuff, it is all packed in boxes (ready for the next move), not stuffed in the corners of attics or the depths of a storage building.
I'm sure my math is going to be off by some, but I'm going to give it a shot....
In my lifetime:
- I have lived in 3 different countries.
- I have lived in 3 different states.
- I have lived in 8 different cities (overseas and here in the US).
- I have lived in 15 different houses (some weren't technically houses...one was a motel, one a guest house, one a dorm room, and one my grandma's house!).
- I have been to 24 states (including Hawaii) and Washington D.C.
- I have been to 14 countries (more if you can count only landing in the airport).
- I have been to 3 continents (more if you count the airports!)
- I have been to villages where the floors of the huts are made of mud, cow dung is used as firewood, and we ate our dinner (with our hands) off of banana leafs.
- I have seen the Eiffel Tower, the Taj Mahal, and Mt. Everest.
- I have learned 3 different languages (4 if you count Spanish in highschool...I really don't)
- I have ridden elephants, seen cock fights (legal overseas!!), and had snake charmers charm their cobras in my driveways.
- I have ridden in taxis, rickshaws, mini-buses, tuk-tuks, vans, cars, buses, trucks, small one engine planes, and huge jumbo jets.
- I have been homeschooled, attended 2 International schools, 2 U.S. public schools, and 1 Baptist University.
- I've had friends from every country imaginable.
My list could go on and on.
Looking over the list and thinking over what all my life has held...I'm extremely thankful for all my life experiences. They are just a part of me...nothing that I think about on a daily basis, because to me they are not that exotic. Other people are fascinated by the things I've been able to do and see. Me? Not really. Just grateful. Just grateful that in my parents answering a call to be obedient to the Lord, they were able to provide my sister and I with an incredible gift.
(Now here is my disclaimer...I totally stole this list thing from my sister's blog....Thanks, Mich!)
A Few of My Love/Hate Relationships (and these are just from today!)
I am hating that I am sick right now. I have this nasty sinus infection thing going on, and I feel rotten. I'm so ready to breathe again....
I am loving Day Light Savings Time. I don't really know why we have it, and really don't care, but I really love the whole Falling Back thing. That extra hour of sleep is SO nice, especially since I'm sick. Talk to me again in the Spring, and I will hate it.
I am hating that my dryer is out. I was just at the laundromat, but thanks to my family's compulsive need to change clothes a gazillion times a day, we are already piled back up... BUT...
I am loving that I have had no laundry to do this weekend. That is usually what dominates my Saturdays, so it was kind of nice to not have any to do.
I am hating that my kids didn't kill a deer this weekend. It was the Youth Hunt, and both of the bigger boys were dead set on killing one. (Tate is too little to hunt, but even if he was old enough, he is scared of the woods and won't go in them!) Both Sawyer and Keaton hunted yesterday, but came up empty. Sawyer went back out this morning, but still nothing. They were pretty disappointed.....
I am loving that my kids didn't kill a deer this weekend. It would have meant that I would have had to cut up the meat, and I'm really not in the mood.
I am hating that I need to go to WalMart and do my grocery shopping. We are out of EVERYTHING! I happened across a can of chicken noodle soup to eat for lunch, and you would have thought I struck gold. If it wasn't for all the Halloween candy, my family would starve....
I am loving....uh, can't think of anything that I love about grocery shopping. Nope. Just hating.
To make up for not having a "loving" on that last note, I'll insert this one:
I am loving my husband for giving me this computer! I know that I have said that a million times, but I'm still just so excited about ti!!! Love it, love it, love it!