
How Old Am I?

I really can't remember half the time.

Pathetic, I know.

Most of the time I have to ask Kirk to remind me how old I am, or I have to sit and do math. And we all know how amazing my math skills are.

This morning I told my 4 year old that I was 32. (He was weighing himself on our bathroom scales and decided that since he weighs 39 lbs, he was "older" than me.) After he ran off, I thought about what I had told him. And thought some more. And some more. It took me almost my whole head of hair straightening time to realize that I'm not 32. I'm 31. I think.

How embarrassing. I'll have to ask Kirk when he gets home to make sure.

After the birthday debate with myself this morning, I had myself all kinds of confused about my age. I really don't feel like I'm in my 30s (whichever specific 30 I am).

And when I had a 10 minute conversation with a group of 9th grade girls about how dreamy Edward Cullen is and how wonderful the Twilight books are....I really wasn't feeling 30-something. By the way....I'm almost done with this book.
(I liked Twilight so much better than this one. Hoping that Eclipse is better.)

Sorry for chasing that rabbit....but "trashy vampire novels" (as the high school English teacher at the high school calls them -- *wink, wink, Mr. H.*) are on my mind a lot lately!

Maybe I should just act my age....whatever it is.


buscher3 said...

Blame it on your boys taking the brain cells from you during your pregnancy. I swear you never really gain those back!

Kendra said...

I'd LOVE to forget my age, but only if it's in my favor. Maybe your mom remembers how old you are, because mine swears I'm 31 (nope, 34) because that will make her 61!

And trashy vampire novels are a great escape from the ordinary life we live, are they not??? Don't let me turn you on to Bill the vampire, though older, more violent, and less romantic he's still swoon-worthy.

Carpool Queen said...

Eclipse is MUCH better than the second one. And I am FULLY aware of how old I am since I am now 10 months away from 40.

vgrdesigns said...

Oh my gosh...I just had to do the math the other day to figure out how old I was, too!! That is so funny! I love reading your blog...it makes me smile!

Stephanie @ My Answered Prayer said...

I did that Saturday and my mom quickly corrected me...and then quickly said "And that makes me old"...talking about herself.

Mich said...

I understand what you are talking about. Kev is 6 months older than me, so everytime he turns a year older, I think I have too! Anyway, you are 31 going on 32. I remember, because being your sister and all, well I was there! :)
You are still so young! :)