~~ All it's doing at my house right now is raining. Just plain ole rain. While the rest of our area is getting all this crazy winter weather, we're getting boring ole rain. The weather lady in her perky suit and helmet shaped hair called it "The Triple Threat" this morning on TWC. I know...because I watched TWC for 2 hours this morning begging for her perky suit to tell me that we were going to get SOMETHING. ANYTHING. Besides boring ole decaf rain.
I actually don't know why I care. Since I'm home now, snow and ice and whether school buses can run their routes safely really shouldn't matter to me. But for some insane reason, I still find myself perusing the school cancellation tickers at the bottom of my tv screen and pleading with the inaccurate weather persons to tell me something that I want to hear. I think it is just ingrained in my educator bones. Once a person who lives for a snow day sleepin, always a person who lives for one.
~~ In other news, our remodel is officially close enough to being done to call it "done." We're all moved in and are living well in our new living space. As evidenced by the twelvity hundred and five lego pieces that are scattered on my new floor. For the record, legos hurt my bare feet lots more when I step on them on hardwood as opposed to carpet.
Be patient on the after-pictures of the remodel (ahem, Jim-Dad)....they're coming. Just finishing up a couple of details before the big reveal. I also am searching for a megaphone so that I can channel Ty Pennington. And Walmart was fresh out last time I checked.
~~ Moving on. Other interesting tidbits of information:
~~~ The children are wearing the same clothes that they wore two days ago. I'm thinking it is possibly time for a bath.
~~~ Every bath towel that we own has been out of commission this week. We have moved on to the beach towel stash. I pretend like I mean for it to be this way. What with wanting to transport the family to beachy places during this nasty winter rain weather and all. I'm a good wife and mother.
~~~ My besties and I pretend that we are grownups every week and go out for coffee while our kids are occupied at a local church activity on Wednesday afternoons. We always go to Cracker Barrel because of the desserts it has the best coffee in town. Not being ones to hurt any one's feelings, we decided that we would help the Barrel out by trying the new cheesecake on the menu. It was slap your mama good.
~~~ I've decided that I wear pajamas way too often. The other day I pulled on a pair of jeans and threw on a plain ole white tee-shirt and cardigan sweater. Nothin' fancy. But Tate walked into the bathroom where I was putting on ONLY mascara and asked why I was getting all dressed up. I said, "I'm not dressed up, honey." To which he replied, "Yah, you are. You're not wearing your jammies." Point taken.
I obviously didn't listen. I am currently wearing a pair of hot pink fleecy polka dotted monkey pants.
~~~ Yesterday I posted a picture of my new haircut. Thanks for all your sweet comments, but I'm still highly embarrassed for the mascara running down my face and the crow's feet that have more than scratched their way into my face. My friend Jackie mentioned that her little girl saw my picture and said that I was pretty (jeepers, I'm blushing) and that I looked like Princess Fiona.
Now, you see, I'm a boy mom. I don't know my way around the princesses. Give me a quiz on Wookies or Jedis, and I gotcha covered, but exnay on the rincesspay. So I had to ask my BFF, Tiffani, to remind me who Fiona was and if she was pretty. Tiffani quickly reminded me that Fiona happened to be the ogre chick. From Shrek. Awesome.
Surely Jackie's daughter meant Pre-Ogre. Surely???
If not, I not only will be scheduling colorpy, but also a full on chemical peel for ye olde skin. And a trip to Jenny Craig.
On that note....
I'm taking my monkey pants and heading for the couch. I've heard naps are good for the skin.
And green is most definitely not my color.